Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Beginning...

God bless…

So, as discussed earlier with you guys (and I mean earlier), God has laid on our hearts the desire/need to begin studying the Word of God together with like-minded, saved, sanctified brothers and sisters in Christ. We’ve had this directive from God for a while now, but I’ve been able to come up with several excuses as to why either I shouldn’t, I couldn’t, or “it’s not the right time.” Most of these involve, “who do you think you are,” and “people are gonna think…,” and blah, blah, blah.

Regardless of my excuses, God has continued to burden us with this. And, with much prayer, we feel that now is the time to start listening to His voice.

So, you all are invited to join us together as we study the Word of God once a month (actually meeting once a month, but studying everyday – SHAATAAHH). We wanna do an “old school” Bible study with everyone participating in the study via discussion and sharing what God has shown them will reading His Word. Also, we were thinking about changing locations each month. Therefore, allowing all who would like to participate to be able to host the study at their home. This would also keep everyone from having to drive out here to Egypt once a month. This is all about studying God’s Word and spiritual fellowshipping with the saints. Any and all are welcome. Invite anyone the Spirit guides you to invite.

Again, this is an open invite. If you don’t feel like this is for you, that’s totally cool. I don’t want anyone to feel obligated just ‘cause you got this invite. We will be here studying and you are always welcome to come. I will ask you to pray for us though. Pray that God would guide our hearts and minds as we focus on His precious Word. That He will reveal what He wants us to know and that the eyes of our hearts will be opened to receive.

But if you do feel that this is something God wants for you, then I urge you to make the monthly sacrifice. We are ALL part of The Body of Christ, and that’s the only body God is concerned with. We are brothers and sisters in Him and we NEED each other.

We would like to start with the book of Ephesians. This is considered Paul’s “traveling letter” that was passed from church to church. It’s a small book, packed with everything needed for Christian living. I thought this would be a great place to start. So, begin reading the book of Ephesians. I challenge you to read it at least once a day till Saturday. As you read, pray that God will open your eyes to what He has for you in this book. We want to do kinda of an overview of the book this weekend – just to jump start the study.

So bring your ideas and bring a heart ready to share what God has shown you. This isn’t a service or a beginning of a church – this is just believers getting together once a month to share what “thus saith the Lord.”

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