Thursday, September 22, 2016

Wake Up, Grow Up, Christ Up...

One hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other. They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow. [Tozer]
Last Sunday we talked about our daily lives, thoughts, emotions, responses, and actions being tuned to The Standard of Christ written in the Standard if the Holy Scriptures. And how if the entire Body tunes themselves to that Standard, then we all, by definition, are in unity. The unity of the Body is not driven by the horizontal relationships, but by the vertical relationship. The "tuning" of our entire being to the Standard represents the perfection of our private religion (Tozer). Paul admonishes us in Philippians to "press" toward the goal of the "high calling."  Our responsibility as true follower of Christ is to not be satisfied with coasting in cruise control in my spiritual walk, but to press! And not press toward a mediocre, miniscule "low" goal, but to a high calling. The Scripture teaches that there should be a constant, continual pressing toward Christlikeness and uninhibited, unconditional obedience to the Scriptures. All done by/with the power of the fulness of the Godhead that currently lives with true followers of Christ.
  • It is impossible to constantly, continually press toward Christlikeness and uninhibited, unconditional obedience to the Scriptures - while not studying the Scriptures daily.
  • It is impossible to constantly, continually press toward Christlikeness and uninhibited, unconditional obedience to the Scriptures - while not engaging in purposeful prayer daily.
  • It is impossible to constantly, continually press toward Christlikeness and uninhibited, unconditional obedience to the Scriptures - while not living a life of daily worship.
  • It is impossible to constantly, continually press toward Christlikeness and uninhibited, unconditional obedience to the Scriptures - while not living a holy life.
  • It is impossible to constantly, continually press toward Christlikeness and uninhibited, unconditional obedience to the Scriptures - while not meeting together in worshipful fellowship on a constant basis.
  • It is impossible to constantly, continually press toward Christlikeness and uninhibited, unconditional obedience to the Scriptures - while not sharing Christ with those we come in contact with.
Continuing with the message from last week, I was extremely convicted about my spiritual walk and growth. What am I doing for Christ based on how long I've been walking with the Lord. Am I a 36 year old stuck in the spiritual 4th grade? And I a 36 year old not only stuck in the spiritual 4th grade, but comfortable being in the spiritual 4th grade? Well, in an effort to not be comfortable anymore as well as being obedient to the very specific command from scripture, I kinda stepped outside myself and began my quest to step into Himself.
On the way to Arizona I sat beside this older white couple. Of course I had my "do not disturb" headphones on and was chill most of the flight. The wife kept leaning over to me asking questions violating Rule #806 (If-ith a passenger haseth on-eth headphone-eths thou shalt not talketh to himeth). The Holy Spirit then told me, "you've been praying for this, now get to work." Since they were from Dallas (found this out during one of her leaning info sessions) I decided to go with how I visit Tony Evans church whenever I come to Dallas, then ask what church they go to and look for an opportunity to share Christ.
It turned into about a 40 minute convo. They hadn't heard of Tony Evans and didn't go to church themselves, though being raised catholic (but not a devout catholic she told me). We talked about the struggles in her family, child abuse, alcoholics, drug addiction. I shared about how I was raising my family with the truths of the Word of God in this crazy world we live in. I was able to share Christ with them and planted a seed (or maybe watered it) for someone else to water and then hopefully harvest. You could tell she really didn't want to go down any specific paths, but I expressed Jesus, the Word, and how if they aren't the foundation then failure is the only outcome.
I thank God for the opportunity to share Him with others. I pray that I will be more willing and sensitive to the Spirit of God in obedience to Him.

Listen to the message from last service (below):

Part 8 - Our Responsibility, Our Focus - Part 2 (September 11th 2016)

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Biblical Success...

Success! Webster defines success as, a “favorable or desired outcome”, also as “the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence (a position of prominence or superiority).” The world has its plans and paths to success; get a degree from a big time school, diversify your financial portfolio, work 30 hours a day, etc. But our memory verse for this month makes it plan and simple.

“Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” – Joshua 1:8

Prosperous is:
to accelerate the growth or progress of
to raise to a higher rank
to bring forward for notice, consideration, or acceptance

Success is:
the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason
level-headedness or reasonableness in the management of affairs
skill and good judgment in the use of resources
caution or alertness as to danger or risk
care in the consideration of all circumstances and possible consequences

So you wanna be prosperous and successful in life, at your job, in your relationships, in your marriage, as a father, financially, physically, spiritually? Easy, meditate on the Bible day and night! No conferences from famed motivational speakers, no seminars from multi-millionaire philanthropists, just meditate on the pure Word of God.

The word meditate used here isn’t this mystical, mind-emptying chanting. It’s the word used to describe a cow chewing the cud. A cow eats its food, digests it, then regurgitates it (brings it back up from its stomach to its mouth) and chews it again repeating this process over and over. Dairy cows spend almost eight hours a day chewing their cuds! To meditate on God’s Word means to “chew” it up over and over again. “Digesting” it, then bring it back up to chew again. It’s an aggressive absorption of the Word of God. Your success in all aspects of your life is a direct reflection on your aggressive absorption of the Word of God!

Why are you constantly experiencing broken/failed relationships? Why is your marriage so difficult? Why can’t you focus and concentrate on what you’re supposed to? Why can’t you stop that terrible habit/addiction? Why does it seem like nothing ever goes right in your life? I challenge you to evaluate your aggressive absorption of the Word of God!

    Monday, August 1, 2016

    New Heart, New Spirit...

    “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause [your way of life to be governed by] my laws and be [vigilant in obeying] my rules. You shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers, and you shall be my people, and I will be your God.” - Ezekiel 36:26-28

    After listening to POTUS' speech at the memorial for the slain Dallas cops I thought it was a great speech. Don’t know how people are criticizing what he said. Interesting that he quoted Ezekiel 36. The answer to all of this is right there. “I will be your God…” When, and only when the individual acknowledges the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Creator and Sustainer of All, by their way of life being (2) governed by His Biblical laws and (3) solidified by the individual’s Biblical obedience – only then can the heart be changed. And this change can only come through (1) the acceptance, submission, and Lordship of Jesus Christ. Heart-change. That is what is needed during these times filled with fear and turmoil. Keep marching, keep standing for what’s right, those things are beneficial and are great. But heart-change is the only solution. And heart-change is only accomplished when you acknowledge, through living obedience, the God of the Bible, through Jesus Christ.

    Thank you POTUS for reminding us of that through your quoting of the Scriptures.